Myrtle Beach Faces Serious School Threat Issues
Hey Myrtle Beach! We’ve got some serious news to share with you all, and it’s definitely something to think about. Recently, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) announced that they’re looking into a wave of school threats across the state, including our beloved Grand Strand area. Since the start of September, they’ve reported more than 60 threats directed at schools in 23 counties. And yes, some of these threats have hit close to home here in Horry County.
How Serious Is It?
It’s really important for everyone to understand how grave the situation is. A total of 21 juveniles have been charged in connection with these threats, and it’s not just getting a slap on the wrist anymore. Thanks to a law change back in 2018, anyone making a threat can face serious consequences. 15th Circuit Solicitor Jimmy Richardson has been vocal about just how seriously these threats are being treated. He made it clear that if you scare teachers, parents, and students, you will pay for it — possibly spending months or even years behind bars.
Richardson used the example of Trenton Brown, a 19-year-old from Louisiana who found himself in a tough situation after making a threat at Carolina Forest High School. He ended up spending 94 days in the Department of Juvenile Justice! And let’s face it, nobody wants to miss out on family time during the holidays. “If you party it up with a bomb threat, expect to spend Thanksgiving with us,” he joked in a serious tone. “And just when you think you’re free, you might just get out after everyone has finished Christmas shopping!”
Talk to Your Kids!
So, what can we do to stop this madness? Richardson is urging parents to sit down with their kids and have a heart-to-heart chat about the true consequences of making threats. “I wish parents would spare just 10 minutes to discuss it,” he emphasized. “When a kid ends up in prison, it’s too late to try and talk me out of it. Too many resources are wasted, and it just frightens everyone involved, especially the innocent students.”
Where Are These Threats Coming From?
It seems that most of these threats are popping up online or through social media platforms. According to Richardson, it’s often about seeking attention. But guess what? That desire for a moment in the spotlight can land you in a pretty dark place. “These prisons are for the truly bad people out there, not for your average kid who was just trying to be funny,” he noted. “Imagine being in a cell surrounded by folks who don’t care about your little prank. It’s not a joke anymore!”
Prevention is Key
Richardson believes we need to get creative, possibly introducing visual aids in classrooms to remind kids of the consequences. “Sometimes a quick 30-second video showing what life looks like behind bars could be the wake-up call they need,” he said. Who wants to think about spending special holidays with ankle chains on? Nobody! Just imagine asking, “So, what are you in for?” and hearing someone say, “I made a bomb threat for kicks.” That’s not the kind of story you want to be telling!
So let’s band together as a community, Myrtle Beach! It’s time to have those important conversations with our kids to keep our schools safe and ensure that everyone can focus on learning and enjoying life. The sandy beaches, amazing food, and vibrant community are what we love — let’s keep it that way by educating our youth on the serious nature of their actions!