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South Carolina State Agencies Launch Operation Dry Water to Curb Drunk Driving for July 4 Celebrations

July 4 Safety Collaboration

State Agencies Join Forces To Combat Drunk Driving on July 4

In a significant bid to ensure safety over the July 4 weekend, two South Carolina state agencies, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources and the S.C. Highway Patrol, have come together to launch Operation Dry Water. Aimed at tackling drunk driving, a problem that spikes during the holiday period, this campaign represents a strong commitment to safeguarding both the roads and waterways of South Carolina.

Drunk Driving: A Dire Issue

A recently released study from the National Traffic and Safety Administration points towards South Carolina as a state with one of the highest drunk driving fatality rates. The report denotes a 43 percent drunk fatality rate for the Palmetto State, thereby surpassing the national average of 32 percent. The alarming statistics underscore the pertinence of initiatives such as Operation Dry Water, which concentrate resources to tackle drunk driving, especially around popular holidays.

Understanding Operation Dry Water

Operation Dry Water, while operational throughout the year, pushes its efforts up a gear during holiday seasons to ensure maximum traffic safety. Speaking about the initiative, Pfc. Sydney Grant with DNR highlighted the risks posed by consuming alcohol on water. Other natural factors such as the sun and wind, in combination with being on a boat, could heighten the impairment caused by alcohol, she cautioned. Grant emphasized the crucial role of having a sober driver or “sober skipper” for water voyages, stating that the effects of alcohol or drugs could significantly multiply while on water.

Cpl. David Jones from the Highway Patrol linked an uptick in poor decision-making to holiday periods such as July Fourth. With the DNR patrolling the waterways, the Highway Patrol will oversee the safety of the roads surrounding them. Jones stressed their mission to protect lives and work towards zero fatalities on the state’s roads during these holiday periods, especially since DUI-related collisions, and fatalities tend to increase around this time.

Water and Road Safety Booster

Independence Day ranks among the top five holidays where these two agencies collaborate to combat impaired driving and boating. To ensure a safe boating experience, Grant advises boaters to carry life vests and an anchor, fill their tanks with enough gas, and drink plenty of water. She urged boaters to avoid reckless or negligent behavior. Information regarding courtesy boat safety inspections is available on DNR’s website.

For road safety, the primary advice from Lt. Travis Manley is to be responsible and plan in advance. The agencies’ safety efforts on roads will be statewide, with a special focus on high-traffic areas such as Lake Murray and the Charleston coast.

As the state gears up for the July Fourth celebrations, this collaboration between the S.C. Department of Natural Resources and S.C. Highway Patrol isn’t just about law enforcement. It is about safeguarding South Carolinian lives and ensuring that the revelry isn’t marred by avoidable tragedies.

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