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Myrtle Beach City Council Approves Noise Ordinance Amendment

City noise ordinance amendment

Myrtle Beach City Council Approves Noise Ordinance Amendment

In a move to maintain peaceful city confines during late-night hours, Myrtle Beach City Council has amended a key ordinance concerning citywide noise levels.

Clarifying Prohibited Noises

The City Council passed the amendment to the noise ordinance on a regular Tuesday session. According to the amendment, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., music emitted from a radio, stereo, musical instruments, or any form of sound-producing devices from private property must not surpass the average conversation volume from a 100-feet distance.

Exceptions to the Rule

The updated ordinance, however, does lend itself to a few notable exceptions. The specification in the ordinance does not hold for noises originating from a sporting event, concert, or festival that has procured a city operating permit. Other exceptions include the ringing of church bells or chimes, sound emanating from aircraft under normal operation, safety signals or warning devices, as well as noise from emergency vehicles.

Maintaining Quiet and Peace

The amendment follows the city’s initiative to ensure a quiet and peaceful environment for the residents, especially during late-night hours. The decision is expected to play a significant role in reducing noise pollution and fostering a tranquil atmosphere across the city.

Moreover, the ordinance also provides clear guidance and parameters for individuals and organizations when planning and conducting various activities within the city limits.

Expectations and Compliance

City authorities have urged residents, businesses, and visitors to comply with the terms of the amendment actively. City officials have also made it clear that failure to abide by these guidelines might lead to penalties as stated in the local laws.

The amended ordinance signifies a crucial step towards ensuring societal harmony by mitigating noise pollution. Residents can anticipate quieter nights, free of unwanted disturbances, thereby experiencing an enhanced quality of life.

Officials noted that the ordinance is not intended as an infringement on personal freedom but rather as a measure to maintain the peaceful ambiance of the city. The city council, from the enactment of this ordinance, expects a majority of residents to embrace these changes and contribute proactively towards the well-being of the entire community.

Keeping an Eye on the Changes

Authorities will continue to monitor any changes after the ordinance’s implementation and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and observations. The city council is committed to achieving a balance between enjoyment and quiet, aiming to make Myrtle Beach a better place to live.

Stay tuned with HERE News Network for further updates.

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