Myrtle Beach Pays Tribute to Fallen Soldiers: Memorial Day Services “Honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice”
Myrtle Beach Pays Tribute
On Monday morning, Myrtle Beach honored the ultimate sacrifice made by fallen soldiers through two Memorial Day services. A crowd gathered and marched down Ocean Boulevard for the annual Jack Platt Veterans’ March and Battlefield Cross Ceremony.
Among those looking forward to this event each year was 13-year-old Jake Allen, who shared his perspective, saying, “It gives us the chance to get out and celebrate the veterans in America who gave the ultimate sacrifice.”
Veterans March and Battlefield Cross Ceremony
The march commenced at 16th Avenue and ended at 9th Avenue. After the march, the gathering assembled what is known as a battlefield cross. This is most often used on frontlines when an official memorial cannot be set up as an immediate means to honor the fallen soldiers. This involves the placement of a rifle, boots, a helmet, and dog tags.
For young Allen, this was the most significant part of the ceremony. He said, “It represents all parts of the soldier and what they gave to protect the freedom of this country.”
First-time attendee Michelle Libbey was touched by the march and the realization, it brought. She shared, “I haven’t been part of an Air Force or military event in five years. We moved down here as new residents and didn’t know there was such a large military population.”
Annual Remembrance Ceremony
Following the marching, many attendees headed toward the Myrtle Beach Convention Center for the city’s annual remembrance ceremony. The keynote speaker this year was acclaimed actress and Army veteran Caitlin Bassett, who propelled the audience to live a life worth the sacrifices of the fallen soldiers. “Let’s live like someone died for our ability to. Because they did,” Bassett affirmed.
Among the attendees was James Yost, who expressed his gratitude for the city’s initiative in hosting the ceremonies. Yost expressed, “Because they honor the dead soldiers. People who gave up their lives for us, or we wouldn’t be here talking.”
The Missing Man Table
The ceremony also featured a Missing Man Table, reserving a place for service members who were killed or are still missing in action. Each element on the table, from its shape to the salt on a plate, has a specific purpose.
Reflecting on the Ultimate Sacrifice
As the ceremony concluded with a collective singing, attendees reflected on their collective inheritance – a freedom won by the ultimate sacrifice of many. Young Allen summarized the sentiment in the air, saying, “To celebrate and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.”
Everyone present at the ceremonies shared the common sentiment that it’s important to take a moment to remember and pay tribute to those who did not make it back home.
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