Myrtle Beach City Council Approves Amendment to Noise Ordinance
The city leaders of Myrtle Beach have unanimously approved an amendment to city’s existing noise ordinance in a bid to proactively handle the issue of excessive noise. This decision was finalized in the regular city council meeting held on Tuesday, and aims to clarify the restrictions regarding certain types of noise during specific hours.
The revised ordinance, as part of its resolution, states between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., music originating from a radio, stereo, musical instruments or other such sound equipment from private property should not be heard over an average conversation happening 100 feet away. This boundary has been established to foster a sound-friendly environment within the community, without disrupting the peace of the neighborhood.
Exceptions to the Amended Noise Ordinance
There are, however, a few exemptions to this reformed noise ordinance:
- Sporting Events: Sound originating from a sporting event is excluded, providing the event is functioning under a permit from the city.
- Concert or festival noise: Noise from concerts, festivals or other cultural gatherings are exempted, provided they are operating under a city permit.
- Emergency and Safety Vehicles: The noise from safety signals, warning devices or sirections from emergency vehicles is obviously excluded from the ordinance.
- Church Bells or Chimes: A special exception has been made for religious institutions – the sounds of church bells or chimes are excluded from these restrictions.
- Aircraft Operation: Noise from the normal operation of aircraft is not part of this restriction.
Impact on Local Residents
The purpose of this amendment is to minimize noise disturbance and maintain peace in residential areas, primarily during nighttime hours. However, the decision, while applauded by some for ensuring a peaceful environment, may not be warmly welcomed by all city residents, especially those involved in the nighttime entertainment and event industry.
Nevertheless, the newly enacted amendment attempts to strike a balance between the need for recreational activities in the city and ensuring a peaceful environment for residents. The city council hopes this move will be a step forward towards fostering a harmonious neighborhood in Myrtle Beach.
As this new ordinance comes into effect, residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the altered regulations and abide by them. Violation of the ordinance may result in penalties. For more updates on this and other local issues, stay tuned to HERE News Network.
Written by HERE News Network.