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If You See Something, Say Something®: A Pioneering Measure by Horry County Schools

School safety reporting concept

If You See Something, Say Something®: A Pioneering Measure by Horry County Schools

In an effort to bolster safety and security within school premises, Horry County Schools (HCS) has implemented an innovative protocol named “If You See Something, Say Something®”. This program encourages students, staff, and parents to report any concerns related to threats, bullying, discrimination, harassment, and intimidation, thereby creating an environment conducive to learning.

A Proactive Approach towards Security

Horry County Schools is fostering a culture of proactive security. The school district believes that safety in schools is everyone’s responsibility and that students, staff, and parents play a pivotal role in maintaining it. Children are encouraged to report anything that raises concern to a trusted adult. With their help, the School District aims to enhance its security measures and ensure a safer learning environment.

Reporting Concerns

The School District provides an array of options for students and staff to report any incidents or situations that might threaten the safety and well-being of individuals within school campuses. Concerns such as weapons, drugs, threats or harassment, physical or sexual abuse, gang activity, suicide, vandalism, theft, or any other crime can be reported via email at, on call through SRO Tip Line at 843-915-SROS, or via email at An anonymous reporting link is also available for use by students and staff.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Prompt Action

Horry County Schools recognize the importance of prompt action and confidentiality. Every report received is investigated promptly and thoroughly. Actions based on the investigation’s findings are taken to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff members. If the report was not made anonymously, the reporter will be informed about the completion of the investigation, ensuring transparency, while maintaining the confidentiality of student disciplinary consequences. False reports, however, may lead to disciplinary action.

A Leap towards a Safer Learning Environment

HCS’s initiative, “If You See Something, Say Something®,” signifies an important step towards fostering a safe and secure environment that promotes learning and growth. This model encourages student participation in maintaining school security, emphasizing the school’s commitment to a holistic learning experience. The HERE News Network commends this progressive step and considers it a significant move in the overall development and well-being of the students.

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