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Horry County Mother Files Lawsuit Against Church Over Alleged Daycare Abuse

Church daycare lawsuit aftermath.

Horry County Mother Files Lawsuit Against Church Over Alleged Daycare Abuse

In a recent lawsuit, a mother from Horry County has levelled serious allegations of child abuse against a local Myrtle Beach Church. Sydney Moffitt alleges that a daycare worker from this church physically abused her 4-year-old son. The legal documents identify the alleged assailant as 56-year old Marsha Minges.

Alleged Abuse Witnesses and Recorded

According to the legal filing, a physical therapist present at the daycare facility witnessed the alleged abuse on May 30. This therapist was reportedly treating another child at the daycare facility. Following this frightening discovery, the therapist quickly reported the abuse to DSS and law enforcement.

The events that followed shed more light on the scale of the alleged abuses. Surveillance footage dated the next day shows Minges picking up the child, referred to as C.C. in the documents, by his arm three times. She then allegedly slams him into the ground. These alarming revelations prompted the immediate issuance of arrest warrants for Minges.

Arrest and Charges

Authorities executed the arrest without any hitches on June 5. Marsha Minges, the accused, is now facing charges of unlawful neglect towards a child. She has since secured her release from the J Reuben Long Detention Center after posting a $10,000 bond.

Claims Against the Church

Beyond the direct allegations against Minges, the plaintiff, Sydney Moffitt, is also suing the Church where Minges was employed. Moffitt believes that the Child Development Ministry Daycare, located within the First United Methodist Church in Myrtle Beach, could have done more to prevent her son’s alleged suffering at the hands of Minges. In the lawsuit, she is claiming damages, interest, and attorney fees.

The legal document also suggests previous complaints against Minges and the quality of care she provided to children. However, these earlier issues were apparently not adequately addressed. Moffitt’s lawyers are pursuing this matter to ensure the Church faces accountability for this alleged negligence.

No Comment from the Church Yet

Despite these serious allegations and the pending lawsuit, the church has yet to comment on the matter. HERE News Network reached out for a response, and we are still awaiting their feedback.

Additional arrest warrants related to this case have been requested and are pending approval. We would update our readers as soon as we gather more information.

To learn more about this unfolding situation, here is the complete lawsuit. The document provides deeper detail into the allegations and the evidence provided by the plaintiff.

Child Development Ministry … by Allyson Bento

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