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Miraculous: Firefighter Brings Life-Changing Treatment to Horry County

Brain Performance Training session

Miraculous’: Firefighter Brings Life-Changing Treatment to Horry County


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: In a milestone medical achievement in Myrtle Beach, Steve Sampollo, a firefighter from Horry County and his wife, Laurie, have ushered in an innovative approach to mental health treatment. The couple has introduced a groundbreaking neurotherapy treatment, Brain Performance Training, to support those grappling with mental health disorders such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as well as addiction.

Unveiling Brain Performance Training

The couple’s Brain Performance Training uses a pioneering technique in neurotherapy to create individualized treatment plans for its patients. Following an initial “brain map”—analogous to an EKG for the heart—medical professionals can tailor a treatment plan that includes up to four different types of neurotherapies. These therapies rely on low electric pulses directed at specific areas of the patient’s brain. Patients report a range of subtle sensations during the treatment, from tapping or massaging to a slight tickling feeling.

The Benefits of Neurotherapy

Comparing the treatment to a gym workout for the brain, Laurie explained that the technique strengthens certain brain cells while training hyperactive cells, generally associated with anxiety disorders, to be less active. The result is a potential breakthrough treatment path for those struggling with debilitating mental health issues.

A Personal Connection

Steve, a 9/11 first responder, can personally vouch for the therapy’s remarkable efficacy. In his own experience with neurotherapy, he noted a significant decrease in both feelings of impending doom and rumination, resulting in a newfound sense of peace. Over the years, approximately 30 of his fellow firefighters from Horry County have undergone neurotherapy in Florida, but the couple’s initiative now makes the treatment locally available.

Bringing Miraculous Changes to the Grand Strand

Motivated by the treatment’s tangible life-changing impact, the Sampollo couple is committed to bringing this innovative therapy to Grand Strand. “Steve and I believed in the tremendous potential of this treatment after witnessing its almost miraculous effects firsthand,” Laurie shared. Adding to that, Steve indicated, “Integrating it into the daily lives of people here could substantially transformation their work life, family dynamics, and overall wellbeing.”

Availability and Pricing

The typical treatment plan includes 30-minute sessions, three times a week for five weeks. Treatment pricing is currently set at $95 per session or a total of $1,500 for the entire treatment. With this state-of-the-art therapeutic approach now available, many in the Grand Strand area—from firefighters to office workers, from veterans to teens—have the opportunity to benefit from this groundbreaking treatment method.


The introduction of Brain Performance Training to Myrtle Beach by the dedicated firefighter and his wife marks a transformative moment in local mental health treatment options. With its promise of targeted, tangible improvements for a variety of mental health issues, this breakthrough neurotherapy treatment symbolizes a beacon of hope for many in the Grand Strand and beyond.

Source: HERE News Network

Author: HERE News

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