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Myrtle Beach Police Department Promotes Albert Fletcher to Detention Corporal

Celebrating Community Heroes

Myrtle Beach Welcomes New Detention Corporal!

This week in our beautiful city of MYRTLE BEACH, there’s some exciting news that we’re just bursting to share! On Wednesday, the Myrtle Beach Police Department made an important announcement that is sure to brighten your day. They have officially promoted Detention Officer Albert Fletcher to the role of Detention Corporal. How awesome is that?

Celebrating Hard Work and Dedication

Now, let’s take a moment to give a big round of applause to Cpl. Fletcher for this well-deserved promotion. In a community like ours, we know how much effort our law enforcement put into keeping us safe and making our lives better. The hard work and dedication he has shown throughout his career have certainly not gone unnoticed. It’s been highlighted that his service has been exemplary, and we couldn’t be prouder to have him on our side!

A Day to Remember

This promotion isn’t just a title; it reflects years of commitment to the safety and well-being of our community. Cpl. Fletcher has been a vital part of our Myrtle Beach Police Department, showing up day in and day out, often going above and beyond in his duty. His journey is an inspiration to many of us who know that hard work and perseverance pay off.

What Does a Detention Corporal Do?

You might be wondering, what exactly does a Detention Corporal do? Well, they play a crucial role in overseeing the operations and ensuring a smooth-running detention facility. Cpl. Fletcher will be involved in managing the detention staff, handling inmate welfare, and maintaining safety protocols. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it, and we trust that he’ll excel! Plus, he’s got the local support behind him, cheering him on all the way.

The Community Rallies Behind Their Officers

It’s moments like these that remind us of the incredible community spirit we have here in Myrtle Beach. It’s all about supporting one another, and recognizing the dedication our local heroes bring to the table every single day. There’s a sense of pride that comes with seeing our fellow residents blossom in their careers, and Cpl. Fletcher is an outspoken testament to that pride.

What’s more, the MBPD expressed their gratitude towards him for his hard work, and as we all know, a little thank you goes a long way. Nature, after all, rewards hard work, and it’s great to see that shining through in our very own Myrtle Beach!

Looking Ahead

Cpl. Fletcher’s promotion opens up new opportunities, not only for him but potentially for others within the department as well. With every promotion, the possibility of upward mobility within the force increases, inspiring fellow officers to strive for excellence and aim high in their own careers. Let’s keep the momentum going, Myrtle Beach!

Congratulations, Cpl. Fletcher!

So here’s to a brighter future and an even better Myrtle Beach, as we congratulate Cpl. Albert Fletcher on this fantastic milestone! May your journey continue to motivate others and remind us all how important it is to work hard and give back to the community. Let’s hang up those congratulations banners and spread the joy around our wonderful town!

Until next time, folks, keep your spirits high and don’t forget to show your appreciation for those who work tirelessly for our safety and well-being!

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