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Conway Students Struggle with Bug Infestation in University Housing

Student Apartment Invasion

Conway Students Face Bug Issues in Apartments

Conway, S.C. – Can you believe it? It’s only been a month since students at Coastal Carolina University moved into their dorms, and already, some are thinking about packing their bags and heading out! The buzz around campus isn’t just about classes and new friends—it’s about some annoying little bugs that have invaded The Cove Apartments.

Bug Problems in Paradise

So, what’s actually going on? Students living at The Cove have reported some really unpleasant encounters with roaches and bug eggs in their rooms, kitchens, and even their clothes. That’s right—you read that correctly! One student said, “The last straw for me was when I found one in my bed while I was in it!” Can you imagine? That’s the very definition of a nightmare!

A Call for Help

Frustrated and dealing with this unwelcome invasion, some students even asked the university if they could stay in a hotel until the bug problem is sorted out. But it seems the university has other plans. Instead of placing them in a hotel, they offered them a different room in the same complex. Talk about a tough situation to be in! Freshman and sophomore students are required to find housing through the university, and now, many of them are feeling the need to go beyond just relocation—they want some of their money back! Can you blame them?

Packing Up to Get Away

With these pest issues, students have resorted to crashing with friends or, believe it or not, even flying back home just to escape their living situations. One student mentioned, “If they want to keep us here, then they have to make sure it’s clean and ready for us to move in versus having all these issues at the beginning of the school year.” It’s the little things like napping between classes that make college life a bit easier, and it’s definitely frustrating when you can’t make that happen!

Moving Out for a Cleanup

To add another layer to this saga, students received an email instructing them to clear out their cabinets, move items off the floors, and keep things away from the walls. Why? Because crews are scheduled to spray the entire building this Tuesday and Wednesday! So, they’ll have to do a bit of a shuffle to get ready for the cleanup. It’s certainly not what anyone signed up for at the start of the school year.

The University Response

When the news floated around about the pest problems, there was a buzz of curiosity about what the university would say in response. As of now, they promised to provide some answers early this week, which has everyone feeling a bit hopeful that things will get better soon.

Looking Ahead

As Conway residents and students gear up to take on the challenges of college life, let’s keep our fingers crossed that these bug issues can be resolved quickly. After all, the start of the school year should be a time filled with excitement, new experiences, and lots of fun—not battling unwanted roommates of the creepy-crawly kind!

For all you Coastal Carolina students out there, hang in there! We’re hoping for a clean and bug-free place to relax and refocus on your studies in no time!

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