Myrtle Beach: A Local Business Boosts Confidence Among Unemployed Job Seekers
In Myrtle Beach, Lapels Cleaners is doing its bit to help unemployed workers get back on their feet. The local business is providing free dry cleaning services to anyone in search of employment, boosting their confidence by ensuring they look their best for job interviews. The idea behind this initiative is simple: a smart appearance corresponds to an increased confidence level and potentially a higher success rate in job interviews.
A Clean Suit, A Confident Interview
Lapels Cleaners has made it easy for job seekers to avail themselves of their free dry cleaning service. Individuals only need to drop off their suit at one of the Lapels locations, notify an employee that it’s for an interview, and their suit will be ready to pick up in just two days, freshly cleaned and pressed. The hope is that this service will instill confidence in the unemployed, helping them nail their job interviews.
Giving Back to the Community
Adam Mathews, the owner of Lapels Cleaners, is humbled by the opportunity to support his local community. Mathews remarked, “If you can get here, I will dry clean, press and laundry your clothes, and you’ll look like a million bucks.” This is Mathews’ unique and generous way of giving back to the community he serves.
Open for service, Open-hearted for community
Mathews confirmed his plans to offer this service for “as long the doors of Lapels are open”. He added, “I don’t plan to ever stop this. I want to continue to love and help my fellow man for as long as I can.” Lapels operates seven days a week with two locations in the Myrtle Beach area: 4210 River Oaks Drive, Carolina Forest and, 6613 N Kings Highway Suite B, Myrtle Beach.
A Gift that Keeps on Giving
By helping unemployed locals present themselves professionally for job interviews, Lapels Cleaners is not just offering a complimentary service; it is gifting renewed confidence and potentially a fresh start to many individuals. By doing its part to support those in need during a job search, this local business is doing more than just cleaning clothes – it’s helping to clean up the community’s unemployment rates.