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Bomber Doorstop Shakes Up Myrtle Beach

Explosive Garage Sale Find

Bomber Doorstop Shakes Up Myrtle Beach

Good morning, Myrtle Beach! If you were out and about near South Carolina 90 and International Drive this morning, you might have been caught off guard by a loud boom that shook the ground. Turns out, what started as a regular Saturday night for a local man turned into an early morning surprise for many. Let’s break it down.

A Curious Purchase

What happened early Sunday morning stems from a rather peculiar incident involving a garage sale find. A Myrtle Beach resident purchased what he thought was a simple doorstop – an old military item – at a garage sale. Like many of us, he probably figured, “Hey, it looks interesting, and I could use something to keep my door open!” But little did he know, this innocent-looking object was hiding a dangerous secret.

Feeling Uneasy

Later that night, the man started to have some doubts about his purchase. Concerned about the item’s true nature, he decided it was best to reach out to the police just to be safe. Officers from the Myrtle Beach Police Department quickly responded to his home in the Market Common area. Upon investigating the object, they confirmed his worst fears: that doorstop was actually a bomb!

Local Authorities Spring into Action

Once the authorities figured out what they were dealing with, they called in backup. The Horry County Police, along with the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) and personnel from Shaw Air Force Base, teamed up to handle the situation. It was decided that the best course of action would be to dispose of the explosive safely.

Big Boom, Big Reaction

To help prepare residents for what was to come, Horry County Police took to social media to notify the public about the safe detonation scheduled for early Sunday morning. The important message came with a friendly reminder: “Expect a loud sound!” Well, they certainly weren’t kidding! Before 9 a.m., the controlled detonation took place, sending shockwaves that were felt as far away as downtown Conway and Carolina Forest.

Community Buzz

As news spread about the morning boom, locals began sharing their experience online. Comments poured in from different parts of the area where residents reported feeling the ground shake or hearing the loud bang. “What was that?” turned into a popular conversation starter on social media, as everyone tried to piece together the unexpected commotion that had rocked their peaceful Sunday.

Lessons Learned

This incident is a friendly reminder of the importance of being cautious with strange items, especially those with military origins. Sometimes our excitement for a bargain can lead us down an unusual path! If you ever find yourself in a similar position, don’t hesitate to reach out to local authorities. Better safe than sorry, right?

Final Thoughts

All in all, this crazy but fascinating story has left everyone in Myrtle Beach talking and has given us all a little thrill to start the day! So here’s to community safety and keeping an eye out for any peculiar finds at garage sales. Stay alert, stay safe, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday, Myrtle Beach!

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