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South Carolina Sees Surge in Armadillo Population, Causing Concern for Homeowners: Wildlife Experts Offer Guidance

Armadillos in South Carolina

South Carolina Witnesses a Rise in Armadillo Population: Wildlife Experts Weigh In

South Carolina, a state renowned for its abundant biodiversity, has recently seen a surge in its armadillo population, causing worry for local homeowners. Wildlife experts, adept at dealing with such changes in the ecosystem, have delved into the issue, advising property owners to make their homes less inviting for these newcomers.

Surprising Visitors in Backyards and Under the Deck

Residents like Charles and Dianne McGee from Keowee Key have always lived in harmony with the various wildlife on their property. However, the invasion of these armored creatures in their backyard and under their deck has compelled them to take action.

“They can burrow and damage the structure,” detailed Charles McGee. “Since they are not originally from this region, we decided to have them removed.” The McGees employed Roddy Cooper from All About Wildlife Control, who skillfully set traps and removed five armadillos within a week.

Spread and Proliferation of Armadillos

According to Tancey Cullum Belken, a forest and wildlife agent with Clemson University’s Cooperative Extension, armadillos initially hailed from South America. Over the past century, they have migrated to the Southeast via well-traveled routes like Texas, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle, finally establishing a home in South Carolina.

An Unwanted Threat to Property and Health

The introduction of armadillos into this new environment didn’t only spell trouble for property owners like the McGees. These creatures have a reputation for burrowing beneath structures like decks, patios, and driveways, leading to potential settling issues. Moreover, these armadillos could also be carriers of leprosy and other diseases, posing a potential health risk.

Mitigating the Armadillo Issue

Belken advised property owners on how to make their environments less appealing to these unwanted guests. “Get rid of brush piles where they can hide, fence off openings beneath a deck, and treat the yard for grubs,” she said. These defensive measures, coupled with deterrents like motion lights and pets, can effectively discourage armadillos from intruding upon properties.

Roddy Cooper’s dealings with armadillos don’t end at pest control. State guidelines mandate humane euthanization for trapped armadillos, a task also handled by Cooper. However, he was quick to reassure that the species was far from threatened. “Armadillos have the tenacity to flourish and aren’t in danger of vanishing anytime soon,” he explained.

While the rise in the armadillo population could be alarming for South Carolina residents, information and guidance from local wildlife experts can go a long way in managing the situation effectively.

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