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Myrtle Beach Man Uses Homemade Sonar Device to Solve Second Cold Case In Months

Underwater sonar discovery breakthrough

Myrtle Beach Man Uses Homemade Sonar Device to Solve Second Cold Case In Months

How It All Began

In the heart of Myrtle Beach, a man achieves the remarkable by using his own homemade sonar device to unearth hidden truths underwater. Jason Souhrada, a radiology technician, has spent his free time meticulously crafting a gadget that can make the invisible, visible. His innovative use of technology has now enabled him to solve his second cold case in just a span of a few months.

This is the second instance that families left in agony by the disappearance of a loved one have to thank Jason for much-needed closure. In June, Souhrada and his device found a car submerged in a North Carolina creek. The vehicle had three missing men inside, thus solving a 40-year-old cold case.

The Latest Discovery

Souhrada continues his pursuit of truth dedicating his leisure hours to scan the waters along the Grand Strand. His recent endeavour led him to a car, which was later discovered to be stolen. Although the vehicle had no link to any missing person, it served to springboard Souhrada into further investigations about missing individuals in the area. That investigation revealed the case of Daniel Riggs.

Daniel was last seen in Myrtle Beach in late 2015, wherein his trail ended abruptly after a phone call. The mystery of his disappearance remained unsolved for years, until Jason Souhrada and his improvised sonar took up the investigation. Joint efforts with diver Adam Brown led them to the submerged Dodge Nitro vehicle belonging to the missing Daniel Riggs.

The Bittersweet Reality

Souhrada and Brown, despite their astounding success, portray their work as a bittersweet experience. While they manage to provide grieving families with the closure they need, they also inevitably unveil painful truths about the fate of the missing individuals. Regardless, their relentless efforts are done selflessly, without any demand for compensation from the families they aid.

Jason candidly shares the motivation behind his innovative pursuit, stating, “I saw these other guys doing it on YouTube, and I wanted that same feeling. I wanted to be able to help.” This statement reflects the heartening spirit of common humanity, bound by collective compassion and the pursuit of truth.

Encouragement to Persevere

At the conclusion of these recent discoveries, Souhrada offers some advice for those still searching for their missing loved ones. He emphasises the importance of keeping the search active and continuously sharing news stories about their missing relatives. This hoping it reaches people like him, who are equipped and ready to scan the water bodies, against the odds, for any hint or clue.

This remarkable tale is a testament to the fact that perseverance, innovation and a deep sense of empathy can pave unforeseen paths, potentially bringing long-awaited closure to cold cases. Their efforts have led them and the families of the victims to believe that no matter how long it takes, the truth will eventually see the light of day.

Source: HERE News Network

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