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Memorial Day Weekend Brings Surge of Travelers to Myrtle Beach

Beachside Holiday Traffic Flow

Memorial Day Weekend Brings Surge of Travelers to Myrtle Beach

Increase in Visitors at MYR

Myrtle Beach, S.C. — Locals and visitors can feel the buzz in the air this Memorial Day weekend as authorities predict a significant increase in tourists. The anticipated number of travelers is expected to exceed last year’s figures by over 10,000 at Myrtle Beach International (MYR) across the weekend according to insights shared by MYR Assistant Director, Ryan Betcher.

Predicted Jump in Visitors

As the city gears up for the weekend celebrations, the airport expected an estimated 60,000 passengers entering and leaving the city from Friday through Monday. This estimate represents an impressive 23% rise in traffic compared to last Memorial Day weekend. As revealed by Ryan Betcher, Assistant Director at MYR, the weekend has kicked off with bustling activity at the airport.

The Allure of Myrtle Beach

Visitors arriving on Friday expressed diverse motivations for choosing Myrtle Beach as their holiday destination. Many indicated that the beach and the various family-centric activities were strong drawcards, while others mentioned the golf or simply the weather as their reasons to visit. As with any holiday weekend, there was also notable interest in the city’s nightlife scene from those looking forward to bachelorette parties and other such festivities.

Set for a Strong Start to Summer

The surge in travel this Memorial Day weekend not only underlines the city’s status as a prime summer destination spot but also serves as an encouraging sign for the local tourism industry. The Grand Stand, in particular, is hopeful that a successful Memorial Day weekend may lay the foundation for a strong summer season.

Source: HERE News Network

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